23rd July 2024

Confidant Classes


Indian Evidence Act 1872 | Set II

Welcome to your Indian Evidence Act 1872 | Set II

1. Content of a document under section 59 of evidence act

2. Contents of a document may be proved under section 61 of evidence act

3. Secondary evidence of a document means

4. Secondary evidence of a document is admissible as a substitute for

5. The circumstances under which the secondary evidence is admissible have been enumerated in

6. Secondary evidence is admissible

7. Oral account of the contents of a document is admissible

8. A document required by law to be attested can be proved under section 68 of evidence act only

9. The calling of at least one attesting witness to prove a document under section 68 is not necessary

10. A will is required to be proved by calling at least one attesting witness

11. Public documents are mentioned in

12. Documents which are not covered under section 74 of evidence act are called

13. Maxim ‘ominaproesumuntur rite esse acta’ means

14. Admissibility of electronic record has been prescribed under

15. Principle of ‘omnia proesumumtur rite esse acta’ is contained in

16. Section 79 of evidence act applies to

17. Section 79 of evidence act contains

18. Section 79 to 85 of evidence act contain

19. Presumption as to the accuracy of maps & plans made by the authority of government is contained in

20. Under section 83 of evidence act, presumption as to accuracy of maps & plans can be raised in respect of

21. Due execution and authentication of a power of attorney shall be presumed under section 85 of evidence act when executed before & authentication by

22. Due execution of a document more than thirty years old coming from proper custody, is a

23. The presumption under section 90 of evidence act can be drawn in respect of

24. Period of thirty years under section 90 of evidence act is to be reckoned from

25. Section 90 of evidence act applies to

26. In case of wills, the period of thirty years shall run

27. Presumption as to the genuineness of gazettes in electronic from has been dealt with under

28. Section 88A of evidence act provides for

29. Electronic record in proper custody give rise to a presumption as to the digital signature, to be affixed by that particular person under section 90A of evidence act if the electronic record produced is

30. Section 91 of evidence act applies to

31. section 91 of evidence act

32. section 91 of evidence act applies to document which are

33. section 91 of evidence act

34. section 92 of evidence act prohibits admission of oral evidence, in respect of a written document, for the purpose of

35. section 92 of evidence act is applicable to

36. section 92 of evidence act applies to

37. oral evidence of a fact invalidating the document is admissible

38. the want or failure of consideration as contemplated under proviso 1 to section 92 of evidence act invalidating a document

39. Mistake referred to in proviso 1 to section 92 of evidence act refers to

40. under section 92 of evidence act oral evidence to explain the real mature of the transaction is admissible

41. under proviso 2 to section 92 of evidence act oral evidence is admissible

42. Under proviso 4 to section 92 of evidence Act, oral evidence is admissible in cases

43. Extrinsic evidence to show the meaning of apply the defects in an instrument, is prohibited under section 93, is respect of

44. The test of ascertaining on which side the burden of proof lies is contained in

45. “Burden of proof” means

46. Burden of proof

47. Burden of proof under section Evidence Act

48. Burden of proof is lightened by

49. Burden of introducing evidence under section 102 of Evidence Act

50. In criminal proceedings, the burden of proof is

51. which of the following is true as to the standard of proof in criminal & civil proceedings

52. Section 105 of evidence act applies to

53. In criminal trials, the onus is on the accused to prove that his case falls in

54. In criminal trials, it is bound to presume

55. In criminal trials, the accused has to establish his plea mitigation or justification of an offence

56. Section 106 of Evidence Act is applicable

57. "Any person" in section 106 of Evidence Act refers to

58. The presumption of continuance of life is contained in

59. An accomplice is

60. Section 108 of Evidence Act relates to

61. For presumption under section 107 of Evidence Act, the person is to be shown to be alive

62. For presumption of death under section 109 of Evidence Act, the person is shown to be not heard for a period of

63. The presumption under section 109 of Evidence Act as to certain human relationship

64. The principle that possession is prima facie proof of ownership is contained in

65. The possession contemplated under section 110 of Evidence Act is

66. Section 110 of Evidence Act in its operation

67. Section 112 of Evidence Act provides for

68. Section 112 of Evidence Act contains

69. Presumption under section 112 of Evidence Act is raised

70. In cases a child is born within 280 days of dissolution of marriage, the mother remaining unmarried the presumption of legitimacy of child under section 112 of Evidence Act arises

71. Section 112 of Evidence Act applies when there is a dispute regarding

72. The deciding factor under section 112 of Evidence Act is

73. Section 114 of of Evidence Act provides for certain

74. Presumption

75. Presumption as to abetment of suicide by a married woman has been provided

76. Presumption under section 113A of Evidence Act can be raised if the suicide by the married woman is committed

77. Presumption as to dowry death is contained in

78. Presumption under section 114 of Evidence Act can be raised having regard to the common course of

79. The doctrine of estoppel is contained in

80. The doctrine of estoppel is

81. Estoppels are binding

82. Estoppel is a rule of

83. Estoppel can be

84. The estoppel in section 115 of Evidence Act

85. In which of the following there is no estoppel

86. Estoppel can be

87. Estoppel deals with

88. Estoppel

89. Estoppel

90 . Rule of estoppel of tenants and of licence of person in possession is contained in

91. Estoppel operates in case of a tenant

92. Under section 116 of Evidence Act, the tenant is estopped

93. A tenant or licencee under section 116 of Evidence Act is estopped from denying the title of landlord

94. A person is competent to testify

95. Under section 118 who amongst the following are competent witness

96. A dumb person is a competent witness as provided under

97. Husband & wife both are competent witness for & against each other

98. Section 121 of Evidence Act provides for privilege in respect of

99. Privileges in respect of judges & magistrates under section 121 of Evidence Act relates to

100. Privilege under section 121 of Evidence Act is