According to the survey, about 59% of girls between the ages of 15 and 24 are more convinced than others that education plays an important role in success. Furthermore, 67% of girls believe that digital technology has helped boys in education, compared to 59% of boys.

Almost 73 percent of young Indians surveyed in an international survey believe that the quality of education in India is better today than in the past.
The poll, The Changing Childhood Project, conducted in 21 countries, including India, by UNICEF and Gallup and released before World Children’s Day on November 20, shows that 57% of respondents between the ages of 15 and 24 and 45% of respondents over 40 in India believe that education is the most important success factor.
Men and women have different perceptions of education. “Nearly 78 percent of surveyed women in India over 40 believe that children’s education today is better than that of their parents, compared to 72 percent of older men,” the survey said.
Furthermore, at 59%, girls aged 15-24 are more convinced than others that education plays an important role in success. Furthermore, 67% of girls believe that digital technology has helped boys in education, compared to 59% of boys, ”the report says.
The results of the survey conducted in India also show differences in perception between the youngest and oldest respondents: 71% of the elderly think that children will be better off financially than their parents, compared to 66% of the youngest.
According to the report, 57 percent of young people in India use the internet on a daily basis, compared to 27 percent of older people, the fourth largest generational difference between 21 countries.
The report also found that 55% of young people in India have heard of climate change, compared to 42% of older people, the largest overall gap in 21 countries. The younger generation is much more likely to blame business for climate change.
Respondents in India have the second largest generation gap in saying that it is okay for parents to physically punish a child (55% younger, 47% older). Surprisingly, India also has the second highest proportion of young people who think it is okay for teachers to physically punish children, a practice that should normally be unacceptable.
Despite the differences, respondents from both generations agree on certain points. India is the only country where the majority of the young, as well as the elderly, believe that their country would be safer if they worked more on their own.
India also has a very low number of young and old who identify with belonging to the world. In fact, at 17 percent, India has the second-lowest percentage of young people among the 21 countries that most identify with being part of the world, according to the report.
The report states that almost 73 percent of surveyed Indian youth between the ages of 15 and 24 believe that the quality of education has improved today than in the past. The survey covered more than 21,000 people aged 15-24 and aged 40 and over in 21 countries, including India, in early 2021. The 1,500 Indian respondents were interviewed before the second deadly wave of COVID -19 this year.
“In India, where an overwhelming number of young people from around the world reside, it is heartwarming to see the optimism and value placed on education,” said Yasumasa Kimura, UNICEF Representative in India (acting).
“It is clear that women and girls value education more, given the tremendous strides that India has made in girls’ education over the past decades.
“These advances are now at stake due to the COVID-19 pandemic and school closings, especially for girls who have less access to technology and are more likely to carry household chores and marriage. To avoid any reversal of progress in girls’ education, we must invest in education and get boys back to school safely, ”he said.
The survey found that in addition to education, young Indians are also optimistic about their future in terms of physical safety and economic progress.
“For example, 64% of 15-24 year olds in India are likely to believe the world is getting better. This figure was higher than the average in 21 countries, which was 57 percent. In addition, 70% of young people in India believe that physical security has improved in the last generation, ”the report says.
The survey also found that 65% of young people surveyed in India think it is very important for politicians to listen to children’s voices. On World Children’s Day, children across the country will present a letter of their demands for the safe reopening of schools and the recovery of learning in a session with Members of Parliament Indian.
This is part of the Child Rights Week observed by UNICEF and its partners from National Children’s Day on November 14 to World Children’s Day on November 20 to raise awareness among the millions of children who lost their right to education and to seek urgent support to learn how to recover.
Read Also:
- Each additional year of education increases a person’s average income by approximately 6.7% in India | study
- Public school enrollment increased by 5 percentage points in pandemic year | ASER survey 2021
- National achievement survey on November 12, more than 38 lakh of students to participate
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